
    Our online ordering platform SHOPFRONT, provides an enjoyable shopping and procurement experience for today’s discriminating customers. Your operation gains speed and accuracy freeing up valuable time that can be re-allocated to growing your business.

    What SHOPFRONT does for you:
    • Browse or search products
    • Place orders quickly & easily
    • Control budgeting & spending
    • Analyze purchase history and trends
    • Secure and password protected

    How Harder SHOPFRONT improves your process:
    • Browse or Search Products
      • Online anytime
      • By product or product category
      • Use key words to search
      • Ability to view like items
      • Product brochures and MSDS sheets
    • Place Orders Quickly & Easily
      • Easy-to-use order form templates
      • From history of previous orders
      • Create paperless orders & acknowledgements
      • Improve order accuracy
      • Order acknowledgement for tracking and reporting
      • Customized catalog for product compliance

    Why Harder customers use it:
    “I can very quickly go through my personalized product list and add the items and quantities that I want to my shopping cart. The Harder site is compatible with my smartphone which I use outside of business hours to place orders while checking product quantities at our customer’s buildings”
    – Andy Groth, Alliance Facilities Management