The Value of Clean. How cleaning improves your bottom line.
The purpose of this ISSA white paper is to provide insights to facility decision makers in a way that enables them to fully understand, evaluate, and justify their investments in cleaning in ways they currently may not be considering.
Historically, cleaning has been viewed by facility managers and building owners as a cost center. Consequently, decisions about cleaning expenditures have been one-dimensional and focused on the amount spent to clean the facility. However, review of the studies and empirical data reveals that cleaning activities impact a business’s bottom line in numerous ways and that developing a deeper understanding of cleaning’s economic benefits will produce greater savings.
If you would like to read more, please feel free to download the white paper from the ISSA.
The purpose of this ISSA white paper is to provide insights to facility decision makers in a way that enables them to fully understand, evaluate, and justify their investments in cleaning in ways they currently may not be considering.
Historically, cleaning has been viewed by facility managers and building owners as a cost center. Consequently, decisions about cleaning expenditures have been one-dimensional and focused on the amount spent to clean the facility. However, review of the studies and empirical data reveals that cleaning activities impact a business’s bottom line in numerous ways and that developing a deeper understanding of cleaning’s economic benefits will produce greater savings.
If you would like to read more, please feel free to download the white paper from the ISSA.
Historically, cleaning has been viewed by facility managers and building owners as a cost center. Consequently, decisions about cleaning expenditures have been one-dimensional and focused on the amount spent to clean the facility. However, review of the studies and empirical data reveals that cleaning activities impact a business’s bottom line in numerous ways and that developing a deeper understanding of cleaning’s economic benefits will produce greater savings.
If you would like to read more, please feel free to download the white paper from the ISSA.